Monday 6 February 2012


Hello. Today I have been working on my newest project which is exploring the idea of fashion and identity. It may sound boring and put some of you to sleep but so far the research that I have found has been very interesting and provoking particularly as I have recently felt slightly lost when it has come to defining my own fashion style. So I thought it would be interesting to investigate the expression of 'judging a book by it's cover' to see if our fashion sense really does reveal truths about our personality and who we are. Below are photos of my 2 lovely housemates wearing their casual everyday wear. Below each photo there are also a list of 4 degrees and of course only one of them is the actual degree that they study. So please give it a go and leave a comment with your guess on what each of my housemates study purely by looking at their outfits. I will reveal the answers on Friday so until then have a guess and see if your savvy fashion instincts are right! 

A. Politics      B. Music      C. Biology      D. Healthcare

A. Environmental Science      B. History      C. Math      D. German

Have a good Monday!



  1. really really like your blog !! :)
    following now!!!

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    it would mean a lot to me if you followed back!! :)

    1. Thanks for visiting my blog, glad you enjoyed. Hopefully I will be able to do some more regular posts soon.

      Loved your blog and am also following you back!

      LS X
